Pathway Course Features
Guides of features in the Pathway type courses in CN.
- Zoom activity and attendance tracking
- Pathway LMS Course Overview for Instructors
- Pathway LMS Overview for Students
- Pathway LMS Course Settings
- Design Engaging Pathway Course
- File/Multimedia, Graded Assignment in Pathway
- File/Multimedia, Non-Graded Assignment in Pathway
- "No Submission" Assignment Type in Pathway
- Balanced Assessment
- Post or Poll Graded Assignment in Pathway
- Grade students in a Pathway course
- Check assignment feedback as a student (Pathway LMS)
- Instructor manually marks activity complete in Pathway
- Unpublish/Publish Activities and Lesssons in Pathway Courses
- Import Lessons/Activities to a Pathway Course
- Copy Lesson and Activity in Pathway
- Link to anther activity of the same course (Pathway LMS)
- External Tools (LTI Tools) in Pathway Courses
- Pathway Announcements
- SCORM in Pathway LMS courses
- View student learning analytics in Pathway course