When instructors create and manage their Pathway courses, if certain content is not ready for students to view, the corresponding activities and lessons can be unpublished or published at a later time. Unpublished content is completely hidden from students. This means students do not see it at all and it will be excluded from the course completion percentage calculation.
Unpublish Activity
By default, after an activity is created, it is published (visible to students). To hide the details of the activity from students, instructors can simply click the gear icon next to that activity, and choose "Activity Publish Settings" -> Unpublish activity
After the activity is unpublished, an eye icon with a cross-line will appear to indicate the activity is not visible to students. By clicking this icon, instructors can change the activity publish settings again.
Below is what students see. They do not see the unpublished activity at all.
Publish Activity Now or Later
When the activity is ready to be released, instructors can click the gear icon and select "Activity Publish Settings" -> publish activity now. Now, the activity will become visible to students again.
We give another option for instructors to publish activity at a later time. It will essentially be the similar steps, instructors can click the gear icon and select "Activity Publish Settings" -> publish activity later Then, the activity will become visible to students at the set-up time.
After the activity is scheduled to be published, a calendar icon with an exclamation mark will appear to indicate the activity is not visible to students until the scheduled time. By clicking this icon, instructors can change the activity publish settings.
Unpublish and Publish Lesson
We also support unpublish and publish lessons. To manage a lesson, click the gear icon next to the lesson title. "Publish All Activities" will release all of the activities under this lesson, regardless of their current visibility. "Unpublish All Activities" does the opposite.
Note: This setting will not override activities that were set to publish later.
Course Content Published Notification
CN automatically sends out a notification to course members when a lesson or activity is published. By default, the email notification is sent out at the end of the day and the web push notification is immediate. End users can modify these default frequencies from Notification Settings. Before the notification is sent out, if you have unpublished the same content, the notification will not be sent.
Below is an example of a notification email.
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