When teaching online asynchronous courses, instructors may need to bring certain updates and information to students' attention, which may not fit into the course path as an activity. To address this need, we developed the Announcements tool in the Pathway LMS.
Instructors in Pathway courses can make announcements for their students to view. Once the announcement is created, it is displayed at the top of the student's activity view until it is closed by them. They can always be viewed in the Announcements tab under Menu. Announcements can also be emailed to students from institutional courses.
1. Instructor creates an announcement
After going to the Announcements section under the Menu tab in a Pathway course, instructors can create a new announcement.
The new announcement form will include Title, the announcement Message, and an option to send the announcement to students as an email. This email option is only available in institutional courses.
Created announcements can be edited or deleted in the instructor Announcements tab.
2. Students view announcement
When a student goes to the pathway course that has an announcement, it will be shown above the main content area. This announcement will stay until they click the X in the upper-right corner to close it.
If there are multiple announcements on display, students can use the Next and Previous buttons to switch between them.
Students can always view all announcements in the course by going to their Announcements tab under Menu.
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