Receiving Assignment-related Notifications:
As a student of a CN course, you receive email notifications when an assignment has been graded or an instructor has left you a comment on a submission:
The following two assignment notification emails are sent immediately by default. You can modify their frequency from Notification Settings.
If your instructor directly commented on the PDF file you have submitted, you will receive the notification below. This notification email is sent out Daily. Clicking the link in this email will take you to view your PDF file.
View Score and Feedback for a Specific Assignment
Clicking on the link in the assignment notification emails (the first two screenshots above) will direct you to the associated activity, where you can find your score and instructor feedback toward the bottom of the page. You can also access this view at any time by clicking the Activities tab then the name of the activity, and scrolling to the bottom of the right side.
If your school/program has enabled the CN Grader tool, you may find a "View Feedback" button under your score.
Clicking the "View Feedback" button will take you to the CN Grader, where you can read annotations left by their instructor on PDF files. If the Comments do not appear automatically, click the comment bubble icon to open up the Comments panel.
In addition to viewing instructor annotations on your PDF files, you can also do the following things inside the CN Grader:
- Download the annotated file
- Switch to another submission on the same assignment
- Switch to other files/content in the current submission and download the original files (without annotations)
- View grade in rubric, if one has been set up for the assignment
Check Your GradeBook
By clicking Menu >> GradeBook from the left side of your course, you can access the entire GradeBook. On this page, you can view the scores of each assignment and any instructor comments by clicking on the blue bubble icon.
A helpful tip: You can click the assignment name or the submission icon to visit the associated activity and view your submission(s) and instructor feedback details.
If you have difficulties viewing grades and assignment feedback, please reach out to your course instructor or contact CN helpdesk
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