November 30, 2023
- ePortfolio Publications integration with scholarly site ORCID
- Institution Gateway Page profile card display logic updates
CN Rich Text editor (HTML editor) refinements
- Added default padding above and under embedded images and iframe items
- Gave a default Title tag to iframe videos for accessibility
- Cleaned up format for Source Code
- H2 Title format template updated: Title text is now black instead of blue to avoid it looking like a link.
November 2, 2023
- Integration with Slack:
- Support new multiple-choice quiz type: No Correct Answer:
- Import publications from Google Scholar to ePortfolio:
- Allow CN Channel admins to grant full GradeBook and DropBox access to TA, ID, FE by default:
- Add group name label to group posts
- CN website updates – partner logos, new use cases, and new CN Accessibility page
- Support HEIC format image files
September 27, 2023
- 3 more HTML format templates: quote block, style H2 heading, accordion element: (view #10 at the bottom)
- New notification type: 1. New quiz submissions, 2. Student comments on instructor’s assignment annotations through CN Grader Beta
Course Analytics update: 1. Discussion Topic analytics incorporates course hashtags and student data, 2. Most Active Students and Top Performing Students analytics both show more meaningful data for both small and large courses, 3 GradeBook items in Assignments analytics follow alphabetical order
- Classic Course Analytics (for instructors):
- Pathway Course Analytics (for instructors):
- Course Analytics Dashboard (for students):
- Parent/guardian account UI enhancements
- Added a new post filter “Never Reflected posts” to courses and Networks.
August 31, 2023
- Course Groups feature refinements: 1. New ways to create groups (i.e. based on email domain and user label), 2. The option to automatically add new course members into groups that are created based on email domain, user label, or evenly and randomly split.
- Copy Rubrics from someone else's course using a copy code
- New notification type: Assignment submission is annotated by instructor through CN Grader (Beta).
- Balanced Assessment refinements: made it available to all File/Multimedia, graded submission types and related DropBox updates.
- Instructor comments can now be deleted from any page: Gradebook, DropBox, or the CN Grader.
- Pathway activity completions number count updates: excluded observer data and made sure the number stays up-to-date
- Play .gif files automatically in posts and HTML-created content
- Replaced HigherEdJobs with LinkedIn Jobs for job recommendations
- User label self-select is added to the Institution Gateway page
July 31, 2023
- CN new grading tool: CN Grader(beta). This feature is only available to CN Channels that have requested it. If your institution is interested in using this LMS feature, please reach out to the CN team.
- LTI click-through account creation/linking enhancements: supporting user self-select a user label. See approach #5 at the bottom of this support article:
- CN Channel>>User Reports: Allow filtering instructors/students by courses
- Course filtering options on the institution's public page
- Allow individual users to hide Country/Region and flag
- Allow individual users to hide and sort personal courses and Networks on the Courses menu
- Allow instructors to give selected students quiz due date extensions
- Allow CN Channel admins to disable courses from CN Channel>>Course Management:
- Provide 5 default Instructor-Suggested hashtags in each new course and Network to facilitate social discussions
- CN assignment and grading features bug fixes and enhancements
- Added a hint for the Recommendations feature on user ePortfolio to encourage the use of this feature
June 30, 2023
- GradeBook items are not associated with a GradeBook category now produce a warning message for course instructors
- Updated CN translation engine to integrate automated Google translation. At this moment, 80% of the CN buttons, links, and hints can be translated automatically with the new translation engine. We will continue to improve the translation rate in the next couple of months.
- CN Users can now use Microsoft Azure AD to log in
Allow CN Channel admins to hide specific video conferencing tools (i.e., Google Meet, Zoom, or Microsoft Meetings) from posts, Classic, and activities in both Classic and Pathway courses. - Pathway course instructors can now link to ClassCast posts from the course path
- Support multiple user labels throughout analytics and reports in CN Channel
- CN Channel>>Instructor Reports reinforcements: removed SmartLink-specific analytics and added additional general analytics. The updated reports are applicable to both Classic and Pathway LMSs.
- HTML editor updates: 1. Disable embedding documents in the assignment submission HTML editor to avoid redundancy, 2. Institution Showcases creation form now supports basic style options for Completion Instructions and Assessment Guidelines
- Added a new Roster Settings option: Anonymize Roster.
- Bulk download submissions from non-graded assignments in Pathway LMS
May 31, 2023
- Rumi UI Overhaul: Based on user feedback, we turned Rumi push-downs into pop-overs and recommendation posts to reduce the obtrusiveness of Rumi messages
- Zoom app user account creation and join course experience testing and refinements
- Rich Text editor UI/UX refinements
- Pathway course UI/UX refinements (e.g., page redirection and different assignment icons)
- Roster export data fixes
April 27, 2023
- Integrated Microsoft Immersive Reader with Pathway activities
- Allow instructors to use a copy code to copy tasks and activities from another course
- New CN Channel setting: when public users join a Channel course/Network, automatically add them to the Channel.
- Updated CN Channel setting: disable posting features in all or selected courses/Networks.
March 27
- Updated Institution Gateway Page Design:
Launched CN ePortfolio (Course-level) LTI tool. It has a dedicated UI and features for ePortfolio users. CN ePortfolio institutions will no longer need to use the CN Post LTI tool for ePortfolio.
- CN ePortfolio (Course-level) LTI tool integration guide for Moodle:
- CN ePortfolio (Course-level) LTI tool integration guide for Canvas:
- CN ePortfolio (Course-level) LTI tool integration guide for Sakai:
- CN ePortfolio (Course-level) LTI tool integration guide for D2L:
- Support importing existing rubrics and institution rubrics for assignments in courses and for institution Showcases
- Developed institution manage rubrics features in CN Channel
- Migrated to the new Google Identity Services library. We also made slight language updates to the Google Drive Assignment creation form.
- Provide section-based quiz analytics
- Increased intrinsic resolution for badge images. This way users can zoom in to see details of a badge image
- Added a predefined Lesson Completion badge to Pathway courses
- Improved the CN LaTex math equation tool to improve its usability and efficiency
Feb 8, 2023
- New notification types:
- Course content published for Pathway courses
- Assignment due date changed
- Add quiz question sections and update quiz attempt score report
- Some CN Post UI updates (Roster, student Groups view, Analytics dashboard, Anonymous posting)
- Institution Public Page UI refinements
- Pathway content margin adjustments to increase readability
- Pathway student view: Only have the current lesson open, and close all other lessons to reduce cognitive load
- Allow sorting skill tags on ePortfolios and CN Channel>>Institution Suggested Skills
Jan 9, 2023
- Add time spent on each quiz attempt
- Voice recognition input (beta) as a new input method in posts and reflections
- CN Channel mass user removal
- Roster Setting with more sorting and student privacy options for both course and Network
- Anar Seeds weekly data for both course and Network
- Each Task, including subtask, has a unique URL now in Classic LMS. Instructors will be able to use it to take students to specific content.
- Update course content created and updated notifications to support the Task tool in Classic courses
- Allow pull selected questions from question banks and additional question bank refinements
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