December 16, 2021
- Added conditioned progress logic to Pathway LMS: instructors can now set this up to prevent learners from moving on to the next activities if previous ones are incomplete
- Allow instructors to customize Pathway course image
- Updated the design of the Pathway course completion process bar
- Provide detailed Pathway course completion report to instructors and CN Channel admins
- New notification type: Pathway course completion deadline notification (notify learners 7 days prior to course completion deadline)
- Classic LMS course menu refinements--made control options of menu items as consistent as possible
- Added poll question response time to the Respondents CSV
- Updated descriptions of existing default badges and added new AACU badges
- Display Channel email sent number count
- Rubric Phase2: support rubrics for institution Showcase assessment
- Added missing ePortfolio sections to ePortfolio Reports in CN Channel and provide detailed information on Publications CSV
November 11, 2021
- Implement a brand new institution analytics&reports dashboard (beta) in CN Channel>>Reports & Analytics
en-us/articles/4412931724183 - Rubric refinement: Upgraded the current rubric features in Classic LMS to support advanced assessment criteria and scoring scales
en-us/articles/4412988368535 - Allow institution admins to disable networking options for Channel members: 1. Disable Follow, 2. Hide public posts on member’s Home page
- Allow institution admins to set members’ ePortfolios not indexable by search engines by default
- Pathway course usability updates- the Pathway tab is now called Activities to be more clear.
- Bug fixes with CN GradeBook, SmartLinks, and Posts.
- Accessibility refinements for tab navigation and CN DropBox
October 18, 2021
- CN now has integration with Box - select files to add to your post from your Box account.
- CN Admins and Institution Admins can now hide user ePortfolios. Users are still able to log into their ePortfolio to fix content before Admin makes their ePortfolio visible to others again.
- ePortfolio tablet and mobile UI usability refinements.
- Viewing more information about Anar seeds is now easier inside of Classic courses.
- “Certified” items on the ePortfolio are now “verified”.
- Unique URL for each CN Post secondary level page. Refreshing a secondary page will no longer take users back to the home page.
- Removed Login with Facebook
- New sections on the CN Website: Our Team and Webinars
- New additional section on ePortfolio: Awards. Allows users to add scholarships and other awards they have earned to a list view on their ePortfolio.
- Rubric stability and bug fixes
- CN Post notification bug fixes
September 10, 2021
- New feature: Email Channel Members based status or user labels:
en-us/articles/4408184940055 - ePortfolio privacy settings refinement: allow users to password-protect their entire ePortfolio:
en-us/articles/360058134553- ePortfolio-Privacy-Settings - Video upload, download, and encoding improvement.
- Added Observer role to Networks.
- Bug fixes for GradeBook and other interfaces.
August 12, 2021
CN now has MS OneDrive integration which allows users to upload files directly from their OneDrive accounts.
CN Channel>>Institution Reports refinements: add detailed data on the exported CSV files.
Pathway courses have received an updated interface. The new tab navigation will make the mobile experience much smoother, as well as a new post tab for both desktop and mobile. Users will be able to switch to course post feed more easily.
en-us/articles/360051622533- Pathway-LMS-Course-Overview -
Pathway course instructors can view completion data on each activity -- how many learners have completed an activity and who they are
ePortfolio Showcase format template titles and images now have better alignment.
Users can now download their uploaded CN files from their CN File Repository.
GradeBook performance has been improved, as well as some visual bug fixes.
- A Follow button has been added to the community user list, user search results, and the list of users who viewed your ePortfolio.
- The automated reminder emails can be previewed and deactivated by CN Channel admins
July 8, 2021
- ePortfolio Showcase layout templates are now available to ePortfolio licensee and CN Premium users. These templates help format images and text in Showcases
- Automated reminder emails in CN Channel for institutions that have subscribed to this service.
- Channel user data update and UI refinements on the user management form
- Instructors can now export all responses of a quiz as a CSV file from the CN DropBox or Quizzes page
- Quiz responses have now been added to CN Channel the user data export
- CN Premium accounts can hide Anar Seeds total from their ePortfolio and mini profile card
- Users can now follow a CN profile when they are logged out, after being prompted to create an account or log in.
June 10, 2021
- Large video files like Zoom recordings are now able to be uploaded to CN.
- Integration with DropBox: Link to DropBox files and Upload files from DropBox. The latter is only available to Channel and Premium users.
- Added Vimeo integration to posts and ePortfolio
- Changed the section title “Preface” to “Overview” on ePortfolio. The Overview section is also added to version creation, print ePortfolio, and CN Channel>>ePortfolio Customization.
- Print ePortfolio now includes detailed Showcase sections and reflects customized section titles.
- Home Page UX Refinements: updated the labels and locations of some post filters: and
- Classic LMS course header bar refinements: reduce width and change from black to white
- Classic LMS courses now allow instructors to set default visibility for all import tasks
- Institution Pathway LMS courses now have the option to send course completion messages as an email to course members.
- Grading Rubrics are now displayed in the bottom right corner for instructors in Classic courses. The previous popup design would cover some student content.
- Common Cartridge course import bug fixes
- Moved Rumi Settings in CN Channel to the “Rumi” tab/page
- Host CN blogs on the website directly (, deprecated Blogger
- Many other refinements and bug fixes
May 10, 2021
- Released Rumi Personal Assistant to all CN accounts. CN Channel admins have the options to disable selected Rumi services for Channel members from CN Channel>>Settings & Controls
- Added Preface as an additional section to ePortfolio. Users may use this section to write an introduction to their ePortfolio. They could also customize the title of this section and use it for any other purposes
- Give users the control to open or close the detailed Showcase sections on their ePortfolio by default
- Allow users to edit names of every eportfolio section.
- Prompt users to link to more personal websites from their ePortfolio: Behance, 80 Level, and ArtStation:
- Updated URL convention for Showcases, documents and folders on ePortfolio, avoiding HTML entity § in URLs
- Improved stability of loading PDF files in the CN File Previewer
- Play videos using the default YouTube player, allowing closed captioning
- Improved accessibility on videos, Home Page, Courses, and ePortfolio
- Updated CN Progressive Web App iOS icon.
- Updated CN Post student tutorial video
Apr 7, 2021
- Added new notification settings to the Pathway course’s Assignment Submission activity. Balanced Assessment now allows assignment submission notifications to be evenly distributed to selected instructors, rather than to all instructors at once:
- Adjusted the notification logic of “New Assignment Submissions (for instructors)”: changed the default notification frequency from Weekly to Daily and stop sending notifications for quiz submissions
- Visual refinements to Pathway courses, including the progress bar and the course path color changes.
- Added course completion total count to Roster header
- Added course completion date to Pathway course roster
- Allow instructors to preview course completion certificate template
- Allow CN Channel admins to manage the Social Engagements section on member’s ePortfolios
- Adjusted the mobile display of ePortfolio cover image
- Fixed skill tag formatting issues, fixing common user input mistakes
- Allow printing grade individually view on GradeBook
- Searching and posting on CN is now easier with the main fields being auto-selected to begin typing quickly.
- Support “Primary Institution” on the user creation CSV in CN Channel:
- Updated guide for adding CN badges to your LinkedIn profile:
- Refined accessibility of some menus and interfaces.
- Added a Request Demo button to the company website home page navigation bar for easier scheduling.
Mar 11, 2021
- ePortfolio New Section related changes: Change the term "New Section" to "Custom Section", and display specific custom section titles on the ePortfolio menu.
- Updated ePortfolio privacy settings, making disable public view and disable search engine indexing two separate options:
- Added field to CN Channel User management to have accounts expire on a certain date.
- Added additional ePortfolio Report analytics for Research, Expertise, and Education sections.
- Added new Post Popup form for Pathway and Classic courses. If a user clicks a Smartlink or a Pathway Activity to create a post, the form is now in the bottom right of the screen.
- Report & Analytics on CN Channel has a new dropdown-based navigation, so users can generate and find their reports more easily:
- Changed certificate background color to white to better display institution logos and signatures.
- Implemented Skeleton Loading on some pages on the CN. You will now see an outline of things like posts and menus while the page is loading.
- Improvements to image quality and stability of CN blog.
- The Request a Demo page on our landing site now has a new option: Meeting with CEO:
Feb 2, 2021
- Pathway Courses now have a new activity type: Assignment Submission. Students can turn in papers and text to an instructor for review:
- Users can now download an entire folder at once from their ePortfolio by opening up the desired folder and clicking Download.
- Server stability improvements and bug fixes.
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