The CN ClassCast tool supports instructors to create posts to announce upcoming video calls. ClassCasts are automatically added to the course calendar and instructors can link to created ClassCasts from the Task tool (in Classic LMS) and Activities (in Pathway LMS).
CN ClassCast supports three video conferencing tools: Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet. If an instructor only sees one tool or an institution only wants to promote one tool, check out this article CN Channel admin selects a default video conferencing tool.
Microsoft Teams
Create a Microsoft Teams based ClassCast
CN supports direct integration with Microsoft Teams meetings. In order to create a Microsoft Teams based ClassCast, instructors need to go to their CN course (either Classic or Pathway), click the ClassCast tab on the top of the course post feed, and select "Microsoft Teams."
If you already know your Microsoft Teams meeting URL, you may enter it and complete the rest of the form. If you want to create a new Microsoft Teams meeting, click the blue link "Create a new Teams meeting."
If you haven't logged in to your Microsoft account, you will need to sign in.
Note: If you leave the current CN page (to copy your Microsoft username or password, for example), this sign-in form will fall behind your web browser. If you minimize your web browser, after you sign in to your Microsoft account, you will be directed to your CN Home page in the pop-up window. Remember that you need to navigate back to your previous CN page to complete the ClassCast creation form. You may need to click the blue link "Crate a new Teams meeting" again.
After logging into your Microsoft account, you will see this form. You need to enter a meeting title and verify the meeting date and time. Then click the blue CREATE button.
After a few seconds, your meeting information will automatically be filled out in the ClassCast form. You may provide a meeting description (optional) and choose a visibility setting (required). Then click "Schedule ClassCast."
Now, you should see a ClassCast post like this one below. When you and your students click the "Join Meeting" button, you will be directly taken to the Microsoft Teams video conferencing room.
Retrieve Meeting Attendee List
To obtain a copy of the meeting attendee list, when the video conferencing is in session, you need to go to 1. People >> 2. Download attendance list.
Manage Your Microsoft Teams Account and Meeting Recordings
You can directly access your Microsoft Teams account from the "Manage Microsoft Teams account" link.
Once you get into your Microsoft Teams account, you can find the created meeting rooms on the Chat page, where you can manage your meeting recordings.
You may also log out your Microsoft account from the top right corner. This will disconnect CN with your Microsoft account.
Zoom and Google Meet
To create a Zoom or Google Meet based ClassCast, you will need to select the corresponding tool from the top. Then, simply fill out the form. This means you will need to copy the meeting room URL and paste it into the URL field.
Here is a created Zoom ClassCast. Clicking the Zoom link will take you and your students into the Zoom room.
Here is a crated Google Meet ClassCast. Clicking the Google Meet link will take you and your students into the meeting room.
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