One of the ways CN helps users protect their own information is through visibility settings. CN gives users complete control over the flow of the information that they decide to post, allowing them to decide how restricted or open any information or pieces of their intellectual property should be. This is done through our "visibility settings" feature, which allows users to choose who is allowed to view your content. Upon writing or uploading messages or personal information, members will be prompted to select how the information should be shared--whether to classmates only, to members in similar courses, all members within the entire CN network, etc.
Visibility settings for ePortfolio content
On ePortfolio, users can add visibility settings to almost every piece of the ePortfolio, including individual documents, entire folders, individual showcases, each part of the basic information section, resume and transcript uploads in the about section, recommendations given to the user, and additional sections such as research, education, research, grants and other sections added by the owner of the ePortfolio.
Visibility setting options include Public, CN Users, My Institution, My Class, Instructors, Password Protected, and Only Me. Here's what each visibility settings mean:
Public: Anyone with the ePortfolio URL or anyone who visits the ePortfolio can see the content. Visitors do not need to have a CN account to view the content that has this visibility setting. This setting is best suited for when ePortfolio users have finalized the content, and are actively sharing the URL with potential employers or members outside of their institution, etc.
CN Users: Must be a logged-in CN user. This includes any type of account, such as public users, institution users, instructors, etc. This can be used if you want to keep your overall ePortfolio available to the public, but only want certain content to be seen by other CN users.
My Institution: The user must be a part of your CN institution or program. They must be currently logged into their institution account to see the item on your ePortfolio. This setting is best used when you only want to share content with classmates, teachers, and admins, but not to anyone else on CN.
Employers (No longer available): All ePortfolio items marked as Employers were changed to Only Me in June of 2024.
My Class: This visibility setting will only work if the ePortfolio owner has classmates on CN. They either need to be enrolled in a CN course (institution or free) or click through the CN LTI tool from their institution LMS. When learners select "My Class," all of the course members, including instructors, from all of their CN courses, will be able to see the content when they visit the ePortfolio. This visibility setting is best suited for peer review or sharing folders or showcases with peers and instructors only.
Instructors: Once again, this visibility setting will only work if the ePortfolio owner has an instructor on CN. They either need to be enrolled in a CN course (institution or free) or click through the CN LTI tool from their institution LMS. When learners select "Instructors," all of their course instructors from all of their CN courses will be able to see the content when they visit the ePortfolio. This setting is best suited for work that is in progress or work that is being submitted for grading, or work that the student does not wish to share with others yet.
Password Protected: ePortfolio owners may set up passwords for sections on their ePortfolios. This visibility setting is best suited for when ePortfolio owners will be sharing their URL with someone and want to point out a specific section that will have a password, such as a transcript, personal contact information, or other grades.
Only Me: ePortfolio owners may add content to CN for safekeeping so only they may view the content. This visibility setting is best suited for unfinished work or edits, or storage of content that is not relevant to others.
Post Visibility Settings
CN users can create posts or polls in a number of places. Visibility settings must be chosen for each post or poll.
Visibility settings for Home posts
On each user's CN Home page, users can post to their followers, networks, and communities. They can choose to post to one or multiple of these groups.
Followers: Users who have followed you on CN will be able to see the post.
Networks: These Networks are institution Networks. Personal Networks are not available as the post visibility settings on the Home page. When you post to a Network, all of the members of that Network will see the post.
Communities: These communities are either added by users on the Home page or automatically populated based on the skills on a user's CN ePortfolio/profile. When you post to a community, other CN users who have also added this community will see the post.
Read this article to learn more about the CN Home Post Feed.
Visibility settings for course posts
In courses, users can post and choose the following visibility settings: Group(s), This Course, This Course and Global Class, This Course and My Other Courses, or Only Me.
Group(s): Students in a course may post to their course group(s) if they have been set up by the instructor of the course. The course instructor can view posts visible to any course groups even if they are not part of the groups.
This Course: The course the student is in when they click on the "Post" button. This is the most commonly used visibility setting in courses.
This Course and Global Class: The selected course and Global Class members can view the post. Visit the Global Class article to learn more about the Global Class feature.
This Course and My Other Courses: The post will be shown to all of the selected user's CN courses.
Only Me: The post will only appear to the user who posts it and no one else. Only this visibility setting can be changed to another option after the post is created.
Visibility settings for Network posts
In networks, users can post and choose the following visibility settings: This Network, This Network, and My Other Network, Network Group(s), or Only Me.
This Network: The Network the user is in when they click on the "Post" button.
This Network and My Other Networks: The post will be shown to all of the selected user's CN Networks.
Network Group(s): Members of a Network may post to their Network group(s) if they have been set up by the Network moderator. The Network moderator can view posts visible to all groups even if they are not part of the groups.
Only Me: The post will only appear to the user who posts it and no one else. Only this visibility setting can be changed to another option after the post is created.
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