Give Recommendations
The social aspect of the CN platform supports anyone, with or without a CN account, to leave a recommendation on an ePortfolio. You can give your students, classmates, or mentees recommendations to recognize their competencies, accomplishments, contributions, personal traits, etc. It will help boost their confidence and add credibility to their ePortfolio.
There are 3 ways you can give recommendations to another CN user. View the details below. Please note that after you submit your recommendation, the other user will need to approve it and make it visible before you or anyone else can see it.
Give Recommendations on a User's ePortfolio
The most common way to give recommendations is by going to a user's ePortfolio. Then you can scroll down to the Recommendations section and click on the blue button that says "Say a few words about (person's name)".
Clicking this button will pop up a window with a short form. Here, you can select your relationship with the person (whether you're their instructor, employer, classmate, etc.) and write your recommendation message. Once you are done, click Submit.
Give Recommendations from a Post
When inside a course on CN, you will see a "recommendation" icon on posts. Click on this icon to give a recommendation to the post creator.
Clicking the icon will open the form to give a recommendation. Your relationship to the post creator will be preselected (based on whether you are the user's instructor, student, or classmate), so you'll only need to write your recommendation message and submit the form.
Give Recommendations from Roster or GradeBook
On the Roster table, you'll see the recommendation icon in the same cell as each user's name. Click on the icon to give the user a recommendation.
On the course GradeBook table, instructors can hover over the cell containing a student's name. You will then see the recommendation and badge icons appear. You can click on the recommendation icon to give that student a recommendation.
In both cases, the recommendation form will appear after clicking on the icon. Your relationship with the user will be preselected, so you'll only need to write your recommendation message and submit the form.
Receive Recommendations
When you receive a recommendation, you will receive notifications in a variety of ways (from the notification bell, email, etc.). You will then need to "approve" any new recommendations by making them visible on your ePortfolio.
On your ePortfolio, go to the Recommendations section. Any new recommendations will be hidden by default and will be labeled by a red tag that says "Hidden - Edit Visibility."
Above this tag is a lock icon. You can click on this lock icon to change the visibility setting of this recommendation. To make it visible to everyone, you can use the "public" visibility setting. Or, you may make it visible to only CN users, users from your institution, your instructors, or classmates.
You can reorder recommendations by dragging and dropping them using the icon on the left of a recommendation.
You can also archive or delete recommendations from the three-dot icon on the right.
Request Recommendations
To request a recommendation from someone, you can go to the Recommendations section on your ePortfolio and click on the blue "Request a Recommendation" button.
Clicking the button will pop up a window with a short form. First, you need to select who you're going to send the request to. If your request is going to another CN member, you just need to enter the user's CN number. If your request is going to someone who does not have a CN account, then click on the "Not a CN Member" option and enter the person's email address. Then you just need to write your message to that person and click submit.
Recommendations from a Non-CN User
If someone without a CN account would like to leave a recommendation on an ePortfolio--like a professor or prior employer, they can do so without having to create an account. To do this, they can click on the blue button that says "Say a few words about (person's name)".
A window will pop up saying that you either need to log into or sign up a CN account or give a recommendation without creating an account. Click on the "Leave a recommendation without creating an account" link.
The form to leave a recommendation will then pop up. They will have to provide their name, relationship to the user, their recommendation message, and fill out the captcha code. It is also recommended to add a web page URL, like their LinkedIn page or personal website to provide authenticity and credibility to their recommendation.
This is how a public recommendation (recommendation from someone who does not use CN) looks like:
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