This article will cover management options within the CN GradeBook, including Grade Individually, View Grade Analytics, Export GradeBook, Edit Grade Conversion, Upload Grades, and GradeBook Settings.
All of these settings can be found by clicking on the GradeBook tab from the left course menu. Then, look to the right corner of the page, as in the image below.
Grade Individually
This view is designed for instructors who have special accessibility needs and courses that have a huge GradeBook. Instructors are able to:
1. Select a student to grade all assignments submitted by this student.
2. Select a certain assignment to grade all student submissions on this assignment.
3. Select a student and an assignment to grade a specific assignment for an individual student.
View Grade Analytics
Click "View Grade Analytics" from the upper right corner of the GradeBook page. You will see a graph as below:
1. Select a student to compare to the course average
2. Each GradeBook item will appear at the bottom
3. Choose to hide the course average from students by clicking "Hide from Students".
Export GradeBook
Instructors can export the GradeBook into a CSV file for further review and data analysis.
Edit Grade Conversion
Edit Grade Conversion appears in the drop-down underneath Other GradeBook Options.
It can be used to convert grade display types to any of the following: Letter Grade, Letter Grade with +/-, Pass/Fail, Honors/High Pass/ Pass/ Fail, or instructors can create their own.
To apply these grade display types to a GradeBook item, click the gear icon next to the item name in the GradeBook table. Then select "Edit Grade Display Type". You will be able to select a type you have created. By default, grades are displayed in the point value format.
Upload Grades
Upload Grades can be found under the Other GradeBook Options setting in the GradeBook.
Grades may be uploaded by CSV file. Instructors will see the following window and instructions to follow as in the image below.
GradeBook Settings
GradeBook Settings are found underneath the Other GradeBook Options tab within the GradeBook.
Here, instructors can disable/hide parts of the GradeBook, such as the Course Grade column or the Category Totals. This can reduce the GradeBook loading time.
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