CN supports integration with Turnitin Feedback Studio both via LTI 1.1 and LTI 1.3. This article guides institution admins to configure Turnitin LTI 1.3 and guides instructors to manage Turnitin assignments.
Admin: Set up Turnitin Configuration
STEP 1: Access CN Channel>>Integration>>External Tools, and click "Add External Tools".
STEP 2: In the Add External Tools pop-up, enter the following information:
- Name
- URL/Launch URL (use the more detailed one if Turnitin provides two URLs)
- Configuration Type (make sure to select LTI 1.3)
- Public keyset URL
- Initiate login URL
- Deep Linking URL (i.e., "Target Link URI" provided by Turnitin)
- Redirection URI(s) (enter all URLs if Turnitin provides multiple)
- LTI Advantage Services: Select all checkboxes, as shown in the screenshot below.
- Tool Location: Check "Assignment and Activity" and select "LtiDeepLinkingRequest", as shown in the screenshot below.
Note: Your institution needs a Turnitin license to receive the needed information. Check out this guide from Turnitin for detailed configuration instructions.
STEP 3: After completing the form above, Turnitin LTI 1.3 will appear on the External Tools list. Click the magnifying glass icon to view configuration details.
STEP 4: A similar pop-up like the one below will appear. Copy and paste each required data into Turnitin.
- Deployment ID is not needed
- Platform ID/Audience corresponds to "Issuer" on the Turnitin side
- Platform OIDC Authentication URL corresponds to "Open ID connect login endpoint" on the Turnitin side
STEP 5 (IMPORTANT): Now, it's time for you to create a Turnitin dummy assignment to complete the admin configuration process. You may reference this guide provided by Turnitin for details.
You will create this dummy assignment either in a test course as an instructor or log in as an instructor in a real course (if you do the latter, make sure you delete the dummy assignment afterward). Please follow the instructions in the "Instructor: Manage Turnitin LTI 1.3 Assignments" section below to create this dummy assignment.
While creating the dummy assignment, you will be prompted to sign into your institution's Turnitin account. Please enter the email address and password of the Turnitin account you used to create the Turnitin registration. Turnitin needs this to initially authenticate the registration as genuine.
With a successful authentication, the admin configuration is complete. Now, instructors will be able to use Turnitin LTI1.3 assignments in institutional courses.
Instructor: Manage Turnitin LTI 1.3 Assignments
STEP 1: Create the CN assignment
In Classic courses:
In order to enable Turnitin for an assignment, we recommend that you use the Task tool to create a SmartLink of the "Prompt Students to Submit through External Tool" type.
Note: If you do not use the Task tool, you can create a GradeBook item directly from the Assignments page, selecting "Launch External Tool" as the submission type - you can find more details below.
In Pathway Courses:
In order to enable Turnitin for an assignment, create an Assignment Submission activity.
Select "Launch External Tool" as the submission type.
No matter which LMS format you use on CN, now, you are at the step to create the GradeBook item. Select Turnitin LTI 1.3 as the External Tool.
STEP 2: Populate the assignment on Turnitin. After selecting Turnitin LTI 1.3 in the previous step, this Turnitin Deep Linking Request form will pop up. Fill out the form based on the design of the assignment.
You may customize Optional Settings. Once done, Submit.
You will be taken back to the CN GradeBook item creation form, where Point Value and Due Date are automatically filled based on your Turnitin assignment settings.
If everything looks good. Save the form and complete the rest of the task (for Classic courses) or activity (for Pathway courses) creation process.
SETP 3: Grade Turnitin assignments
After the Turnitin assignment is created. When you and your students click the corresponding SmartLink or visit the specific activity, the Turnitin frame will automatically load.
Students can upload their work within the Turnitin frame.
You, as the course instructor, will be able to grade student submissions using the Turnitin Feedback Studio tool and view similarity reports.
The assignment grade will be automatically recorded in the CN GradeBook and used for tracking activity/course completion.
If you have any questions about using Turnitin LTI 1.3, feel free to reach out to the CN helpdesk,, or the Turnitin support team.
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