View and Filter submissions
The CN DropBox is where instructors receive and grade assignment submissions. The course DropBox can be accessed from Menu>>CN Dropbox on the left side of your course.
On the specific DropBox page, you use the three tabs from the top to view different types of submissions: Files/Multimedia, Posts/Polls, and Quizzes.
By default, newer submissions are listed on the top. You can use the member search box and the three helpful filters to locate specific submissions based on your needs.
Let's look at a couple of examples:
In this example, I switched to the Quizzes tab and selected student "Jue Wang" and item "4.1.5 Check for Understanding" to view her submission on this specific quiz.
In this example, I switched to the Posts/Polls tab and selected the item "6.6.1 Final Coding Project" and "Not Graded (last submission only)". This helps me quickly find the student posts that I have not graded.
Grade File/Multimedia Assignments
When you are ready to assess a specific File/Multimedia submission, click the "View Details" link.
The entry will expand to show submitted content and student submission comment. You may download the submitted file or click "View Multimedia Entry" to view the detailed content. Then, you will need to enter a score. Instructor comment is optional. If you are going to leave a comment, you have the option to embed images, videos, audio files, and/or files.
This example includes video feedback. Remember to Save your assessment once done. Now, the student can view their grade from both GradeBook and the corresponding activity.
*If your institution/program's CN Admin has enabled the CN Grader tool, you will have the option to grade students' file/multimedia submissions using this tool.
The CN Grader displays a student's submission on the left and you can grade and leave a comment on the right. In addition, you can directly annotate student-submitted PDF files. Learn more about CN Grader.
Grade Posts/Polls
If you prompt students to create a post or poll and grade their posts or polls, you will switch to the Posts/Polls tab, locate a submission, and simply enter a score. "Add a reflection" is optional and if you ever write a reflection to provide feedback or comment, please keep in mind that everyone this post is made visible to will be able to view your comment.
Grade Quizzes
If a quiz only contains close-ended questions, the CN system will automatically grade student submissions. Short-answer questions need instructors to grade unless you have set up auto-grading. When a quiz needs instructors to grade, it will show a red "!" icon. You will click "view results" to open up student answers.
When you review a student quiz submission, you may score short-answer questions (see 1) and leave a comment on any question (see 2).
Note, for students to see your comments, you must allow View Submissions on quiz settings.
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