This page will show instructors how to create and publish a quiz within a course. You may create a quiz by importing an existing one from another course or creating a new one.
Import Existing Quiz
If you have created a quiz in another course and decide to reuse it, you can import that quiz.
STEP1: Go to your course homepage, find the ‘Quizzes’ tab on the left-hand menu, and click on it.
STEP2: Click on the “+Import Quiz” button.
STEP3: Select the course (see 1) and the quiz you want to import (see 2) and complete the rest of the forms. The quiz will be imported into the current course.
Note: You can edit the quiz settings and questions as needed.
Create a New Quiz
STEP1: Go to your course homepage, find the ‘Quizzes’ tab on the left-hand menu and click on it.
STEP2: Click on the “+Create Quiz” button to begin setting up a quiz
STEP3: Fill out the Quiz settings form
A. Publish Date - choose whether to publish your quiz manually or select a date and time for the quiz to automatically become available to students
B. Due Date - the date your quiz will be due, after this date it will close and students will no longer be able to attempt the quiz
C. Time Limit - enter in the time limit of the quiz in minutes or if a time limit does not apply select no
D. Attempt Limit - select unlimited or a specific number of attempts for your students to take the quiz. Then choose whether the system should record the highest score, last score or average score in the GradeBook.
E. Question Display - choose whether to display all questions on one page, one question per page, five questions per page, or ten questions per page
F. Shuffle Questions - simply select yes, or no
G. View Submissions - select if, when, and how you would like students to be able to view their submissions, along with your predefined feedback and comments on their responses.
H. Visible To - select whether or not you want to make the quiz visible to the whole course, or only through a linked task
STEP4: Create Questions
Create Quiz Questions Manually
Then select the question type and enter the point value
The options below are the question types CN currently offers
Multiple Choice Question Example
Type your question, attach files if needed.
A. Select one of the type options. For more details about each, read our article on multiple choice question types.
B. Add selections. If the question has correct answer(s), remember to check the box to tell the system which they are.
C. Add more selections - click on the plus to add a selection
D. Delete selections - click on the x to delete a selection
E. Give partial credit (can only be selected if "multiple correct answers" is selected)
If want to shuffle the order of selections, check the Shuffle Choices box. Then, define the point value of the question and click on the blue “SAVE THIS QUESTION” button.
Fill in the Blank Question Example
Type your question and attach files as needed. NOTE: Wherever the blank should appear, put ( ) then type the correct answer into the ( ) - see example below. Students will not see the answer.
If their answer is exactly as same as the correct answer you put in, the answer will be considered correct. Please note that if a correct answer includes text, it is case sensitive. After creating the question, enter question point value.
A. Hint - click the linked text to learn how to create fill in the blank questions
B. Blank/Answer - the answer should appear in ( ) and students will see a blank
C. Add feedback for correct answer
D. Add feedback for an incorrect answer
E. Check the box to award partial credit
F. Insert point value for the question
Don't forget to click "SAVE THIS QUESTION"
Create Quiz Questions through AI and Question Banks
Besides manually creating quiz questions, instructors can also generate questions with the assistance of AI if the feature has not been disabled by your institution's admin. Instructors can also import questions from Question Banks. You use Questions Banks typically due to the following reasons:
- You have quizzes available in other learning platforms or applications. You can export them in QTI format and import them into CN to avoid manually creating all of the questions again.
- You have a commonly used pool of questions across courses. You'd like to randomly or selectively pull some of them into a given quiz to assess your students' understanding.
- Your institution, school, or department has a commonly used poll of questions for multiple courses to use. In this case, they can create a question bank or multiple question banks and make them available for their faculty to pull the quesitons into their quizzes.
Manage Quiz Questions
Instructors can edit or delete questions before a quiz is published. Instructors can also reorder quiz questions with the arrows on the right side. After all of your questions are added to the quiz simply click done. Preview the questions by clicking on the magnifying glass.
Publish Quiz to Make It Available to Students
If you previously chose to publish your quiz at a specific time, it will become published to learners on its own when the publish date approaches. If you choose to manually publish your quiz, it will remain unpublished until you click on the green “publish” button (see screenshot below). Again, unpublished quizzes are not available to learners. They don’t see these quizzes anywhere in their course site.
Some Important Logic
Note1: if a quiz is not published, students don't see it anywhere in the course. A quiz only appears to students in Quizzes, GradeBook, and other places after it is published.
Note2: Instructors must unpublish a quiz to be able to edit it.
Note3: If a quiz has already received submissions, certain things will not be allowed to change: 1. how to record score, 2. add new questions, 3. question types, 4. question point value. If you change the correct answer to a question, you will need to manually update the score of that question on existing submissions.
Note4: Even if you randomly import questions from a question bank, students still get the same set of questions in this quiz.
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