In our continued effort to harness the power of generative AI for online teaching and learning, CN now offers another AI-powered LMS feature: AI Rubric Generation. This feature is designed to support instructors in creating rubrics for assignments and Institution Showcases, supporting more transparent assessment criteria and fostering a more efficient workflow. With just a few clicks, you can create a systematic and detailed rubric to use as is or with revisions.
Access the AI Rubric Feature
In CN, the AI rubric creation feature is available in the following places:
- In CN Channel >> Manage Rubrics. CN Channel admins can create institution rubrics and share them with faculty.
- In CN Channel >> ePortfolio Assessment >> Showcases that use Points as Grade Scale. CN Channel admins can create a rubric for Showcase assessors to use.
- In CN courses >> Add/Edit GradeBook Item (assignment). Instructors create a rubric to grade an assignment.
Create AI Rubric (use assignment as example)
The AI rubric creation process is the same across all places. The sections below will use a course assignment as an example.
When instructors are on the GradeBook item form, click + Add Rubric. You will have the option to select Create AI Rubric. Click it to start the AI-assisted rubric creation process.

After choosing Create AI Rubric, the Generate Rubric with AI inputs form will pop up. The required fields are highlighted with a red asterisk:
- What are you assessing?: Define the knowledge, skills, or assignment being evaluated, such as critical writing or a history essay.
- Learning Objective(s): Enter specific learning outcomes, assessment objectives, or standards if available.
- Number of Grading Levels: Choose from 2 to 5 levels of grading to differentiate the range of achievement.
- Number of Criteria: You may leave it as “Automatic" for AI to determine the number of criteria, or manually choose between 1 to 10 criteria. If you keep it as “Automatic”, the AI will generate criteria names, points, and descriptions.
- Define Criteria: Optionally, specify criteria names and assign points to each. This input allows for further customization, tailoring the rubric to precise assessment needs.
Here is an example of a filled-out form:

After you finish the form, click "Generate Rubric" to begin loading the AI quiz questions. This might take 10 seconds or longer. You may switch to another tab and check back later.

Review the AI-generated Rubric
Once your AI-generated rubric is ready, the rubric will appear for you to review and adjust for accuracy. It's essential to remember that while AI provides a strong starting point, your review and edits ensure the rubric aligns perfectly with your assessment goals.
Here's how the rubric will appear in its draft form once generated by AI:
*Rubric Name is required. Remember to enter a distinctive name for potential future re-use.

From this interface, you can easily make the following edits to tailor the AI-generated rubric to your exact assessment needs.
- Add and delete criteria and grading levels
- Edit criteria and level descriptions
- Edit point values for criteria and grading levels
When you're satisfied with the rubric, click "Add Item.”
Student View of the AI-generated Rubric
The final rubric will look like the one below to students:

Grade Assignments with AI-generated Rubric
Grading student submissions with an AI-generated Rubric works the same as grading with a manually created rubric. You can find the steps in this article.
Disable AI Rubric Generation
By default, this feature is available in all courses and CN Channels (i.e. CN Channel >> Manage Rubrics and CN Channe l>> Institution Showcase Assessment).
CN Channel admins can turn this feature off for all Channel courses and their Channel from CN Channel>>Rumi>>Settings. Read this guide to learn how.
Related Reading: Grade Assignment with Rubrics
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