Edit Default Badge Description:
Course instructors can write a description to explain details of a badge. These details include what the badge is for, awarding requirements and awarding guidelines.
If a course badge is predefined by CN or an institution, instructors can modify the default badge description. To edit the description, go to the Badges page from the left menu, find the badge you want to edit and click the pencil icon:
Now you can edit the badge description (see number 1).
Edit Default Awarding Comment:
Instructors can also customize the default awarding comment for each course badge. There are multiple ways to do this:
Approach 1. In the badge edit window, you can customize the default badge comment language (see number 2 in the image above). Please note that content in { } should not be touched.
Approach 2. When awarding a badge from the Badges page, after clicking on the badge image, you will see a pop-up window. Click the “Change default comment language” link at the bottom of this pop-up window to edit the default comment of this badge.
Approach 3. If you award a badge from a post, Roster or GradeBook, after selecting the badge you want to award, you will see the “Change default comment language” link underneath the comment box. Click this link to edit the default comment.
Add Skill Tags:
In the badge edit window, you may add relevant skill tags (see number 3). For example, tag the Creative Thinking badge with "Creative Thinking", and tag the Best Participant badge with "Class Participation" and "Communication". The tags will later appear on the badge information card, helping the badge owner and viewers of his ePortfolio easily identify the recognized skills, find other evidence labeled with the same skills, as well as network with other users who have the same skills.
When adding labels, you don't need to type #. It will be automated generated by CN. Just simply type out the term. You can select a matching prompt from the drop-down. You can also create your own tags if you don't see any matching prompts.
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