Note: this feature is only available to CN Channels that have subscribed to this service.
Admins of a CN Channel that have subscribed to the Member Emails are able to send emails to all or selected Channel users.
Step 1:
To begin, log in to your CN Channel. Then, navigate to User Management, then click on the Email Templates tab. Next, click Email Channel Members.
Step 2:
To write a member email, choose a recipient category and specifications, add a subject, and then write the email.
Recipients: Choose which group of users will receive the email.
Subject: The subject of the email that users will receive.
Email: The body text of the email.
There are 3 different recipient categories to choose from:
All Channel Members: The email will go to every member of your CN channel.
Members based on Status: Email will go to every member with a selected status (Active, Inactive, External, Alumni, or Parent).
Members based on User Label: Email will go to members based on User Labels defined in your CN channel.
If you select "Send to Members based on User Label" and entered multiple user labels, you will be prompted to specify the logic for the labels. You can choose to have the emails go out to users that have all selected labels, or at least one.
A completed email form using User Labels would look like this:
Note: We updated this form in Dec 2024 to provide two optional fields -- "Add Additional Recipients" and "Remove Recipients" to add more flexibility to this feature. Channel admins may use one or both fields to add additional Channel members to the Recipients list and/or remove specific Channel members from the Recipients list.
Step 3:
After the email form is filled out, click Send. The email will be sent to the selected Channel members immediately.
After you send the email, a sent email history will be shown at the bottom of this page. Click View Details to see the full record and settings of the email.
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