After adding members to your Channel, they will appear on the bottom half of the User Management page, where you can manage these users in the following aspects:
1. Search Members
You can use CN Number, Institution ID, Status, User Labels, First Name, Last Name, or Email to search or filter members.
2. Export Members
You may Export All members of your Channel, or Export Selected members. Please note that when you select members, if you check the box next to "All", you only selected all of the users of the current page. You will need to use the arrows in the upper-right corner to proceed to other pages.
3. Control Options
Under the Controls column (to the far right of the table), you have the options to edit a user (see 1), view and edit their course enrollment (see 2), remove them from your Channel (see 3), log into their account (see 4), and hide their CN ePortfolio (see 5).
Edit a User
When you click the pencil icon to edit a user, you will see this pop-up window.
There are advanced settings hidden by default. Click "More Settings" to open the rest of the window:
The following data fields are auto-synced between your input and the user's input from their account or ePortfolio: First Name, Last Name, Primary Email, Other Emails, Primary Institution, Institution Role, Major/Minor, Password, Country, State/Province, City. This means that when you update these data fields, the data on the user account and ePortfolio will be automatically updated, and vice versa.
After you are done editing a user, remember to SAVE.
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