This guide will show CN Channel Admins how to create certificates with the CN template and issue them to users.
STEP1: Click on the Badges, Certificates and Transcripts tab from the left-hand menu and select "Certificates".
STEP2: Click on Create/Issue Certificates from Template, then select Create Certificate from Template. You may select a one-signature template or a two-signature template. If your institution has already created certification templates, skip to STEP4.
STEP3: Follow the steps with the corresponding image below.
1. Enter your certificate name
2. Fill out and customize each section that has a pencil icon. Note: All sections are required except the "Awarded to" and "For completion of" sections (see the hint below)
3. Click save when finished
STEP4: Then you may choose to award, edit, preview, duplicate, or delete existing certificates from the Issue Certificates tab. On this page, you can also see who are the recipients of a certificate.
There are two ways to select certificate recipients: manually or by CSV file upload
1. you can manually enter recipients by search their name or CN number
2. To handle a large number of recipients, you can upload a CSV file. The CSV file only needs one column, either recipient institution ID or email address
STEP5: View issued certificates
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