Task visibility conditions are beneficial to instructors who want to support self-paced learning. Once set, these conditions ensure students complete assigned activities before moving on to other tasks.
STEP1: Go to your course homepage and click on the small gear icon next to your selected task
STEP2: Select "Set Visibility Conditions" from the drop-down menu
STEP3: Click "Add condition"
For the purposes of this article, we have selected a few conditions as examples below.
EXAMPLE1: Quiz condition - by selecting this condition, you are selecting a quiz your students must take and a minimum score they must receive before they are able to move on to other tasks in the course.
STEP1: Select a Quiz
STEP2: Enter a minimum score students must receive
STEP3: Click "Add Condition"
STEP4: SAVE Conditions or Add another Condition
What a student sees if they have not completed the quiz or received the required score
What a student sees if they have completed the quiz and received the required score
EXAMPLE2: Submit a Post - by selecting this condition, you are selecting a previously created post (assignment) your students must submit before they are able to move on to other tasks in the course.
STEP1: Select a Post Assignment. The minimum score value is not required. If you are not going to grade your students' posts, simply leave it blank.
NOTE: A corresponding GradeBook item must be created for the selected post prior to the condition selection
STEP2: Click "Add Condition"
STEP3: SAVE Conditions or Add another Condition
What the student sees if they have not submitted their post
What the student sees if they have submitted their post. Since both conditions are met, the content of Lesson 1 became available.
To change to student view and see what each course member sees, visit our Instructors View Tasks as Course Member article.
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