To do a general search on the platform, click the search icon from the universal navigation bar.
You will then be taken to the search page. Here, you can either search the entire CN (under the All CN tab), or search CN Members, Posts, Courses or Networks.
Search All CN:
Enter a CN#, keyword or hashtag and click the blue search icon, then all the matching results (such as Members, Posts, Courses and Networks) will be found and displayed. Please note that the search results automatically exclude posts you do not have permission to view.
Search Members:
You can search CN members by first name, last name, full name or CN#. You can also do an advanced member search based on country, primary language, institution/organization, role/status and major/interests.
Hint1: Advanced member search can be used with or without entering a name or CN# in the search box.
Hint2: After finding a member whom you would like to connect with, you can follow this person, email them, or even initiate a live chat if the person is available to chat.
Search Posts
You can search posts by keyword, hashtag or the post creators’ CN#. Please note that the search results will only include posts that you have permission to view.
Search Courses
You can search courses by course title, or instructor’s name or CN#. Please note that you can only join courses that are accessible to Any CN Member on your own. If a course requires a PIN or an Email Request, you will have to get permission from the course instructor or their school admin to join the course.
Search Networks
You can search networks by network title, or moderator’s name or CN#. Please note that just like the Course search, you can only join Networks that are accessible to Any CN Member. If a Network requires a PIN or an Email Request, you will have to get permission from the Network moderator or their school admin to join the Network.
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