*Please note: if you teach an institution course and your institution disabled the course invitation function, you will not be able to invite people to your course.
Method #1- If you need to invite quite a few people to your course or you only have a public CN account, the easiest solution is to set a PIN Code for your course and use your regular email to invite course members.
STEP1: Go to the Basic Course Settings page. Choose Pin Code as the course access setting and set up a 4-digit PIN.
STEP2: Send an email to the people you would like to invite. In this email, include the course URL and the pin (hint: you can always find the course URL and the PIN on the About page from the left course menu).
Note: users who join a course through this method have a Student role in the course by default. Course instructors need to go to the course Roster to change a user's role and permissions if needed.
When your invitees receive the email, they will:
STEP1: Go to your course page. If they do not have a CN account, they will need to sign up CN (step-by-step guide). If they have already had a CN account, they will log in.
STEP2: Enter the course PIN and click "JOIN COURSE". Then they will become a member of your course.
Method #2- You can also invite course members from the “Invite a Member” function.
*Please note: beginning Dec 2019, this feature is only available to licensed institution users and premium CN account. Public users will have to upgrade their CN account to a Premium account or use Method #1 explained above.
STEP1: Click the "Invite a Member" link from the course settings drop-down
OR from the top part of the Roster page.
STEP2: Complete the invitation form and send it.
Note: for email security reasons, we do not allow instructors to modify the default email content.
The invitees will then receive a course invitation email from CN and they follow the instructions on the email to sign up/log in CN and join your course.
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