Document attachment 1: Professor Elizabeth Freije uses CN ePortfolio with transfer students to assess and help the students themselves assess their existing core competencies in Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology. This assignment instruction example is one of the few ePortfolio assignments, which all share the same structure and requirements. On each sub-competency (for example Written Technical Communication), students need to upload an artifact and a short reflection paper. The rubric gives detailed guidelines on the artifact and reflection.
Document attachment 2: Professor Darrell Bailey has incorporated CN ePortfolio in his general elective course, Music for the Listener, as a credit-bearing assignment. He first asks students to build the basic sections of their ePortfolio (header, About, Skills, Education, etc.), then, asks them to create a specific Showcase to reflect on what they have learned in the course connect to their major/future career. Please view the attached document that contains the detailed instructions Professor Bailey provides to his students. Feel free to use this instruction as a template to draft your ePortfolio assignment.
Document attachment 3: if you ask students to create an entire ePortfolio as an assignment in a first-year, career preparation, or capstone course, you may find this ePortfolio rubric example helpful. It includes almost all of the CN ePortfolio sections and clearly defines different levels of assessment criteria.
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