If your institution does not want members to log into CN using their CN ID and Password, you can disable set/reset CN Password.
To do so, go to CN Channel>>Settings & Controls. In the “Account Settings” list, check “Disable set/reset CN password”.
Once this setting is selected, active members in your Channel will no longer have access to any of the set or reset password links within CN. If they click “Forgot Password” on the login form, they will be informed that their institution has disabled this option.
As the institution admin, in order to avoid confusion, please remember to modify the default welcome email template (access from User Management-“Email Templates” tab). Remove the "Set up your CN Password" link and sentence.
Note that this option disables CN password set/reset for Active and Inactive Channel members. Members in another status (Alumni, Parent, External) are always able to set/reset their CN password.
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