1. In the first attached document, physic professor Andrew Gavrin shared a few instructor and student post examples. By looking at them, you will get ideas about what kind of posts you and your students can create in CN. Besides sharing good post examples, professor Gavrin also shared a few instructional tips. The second document is part of Dr. Gavrin's course syllabus. It clarifies expectations and rules (such as what students should and should not post on CN) upfront, which is critical to the success of using a social learning tool like CN.
2. In the third attached document, biology professor Kathy Marrs shared her experience of using CN Post to engage students behaviorally, emotionally, and cognitively. Post examples were provided as evidence of each type of engagement.
3. In this article, journalism and media professor Adam Maksl shared how he used CN discussions to engage students to connect course concepts to the real world. He shared the steps and resources he used to set up CN Post, including the CN instruction verbiage, communication law resources recommended to students to use, and the course Anar Seeds table. You will gain practical ideas from his story.
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