Sometimes, you may experience bugs on the CN. To help us figure out what is causing the issue, the CN Team may ask you to take a screenshot of your Console so that we can view any error messages that might appear.
Below are instructions on how the check the Console from Google Chrome Devtools.
1. In Google Chrome, go to the CN page where you encountered an issue, right click your mouse.
2. Select "Inspect" from the menu.
3. In the new panel that appears, select the "Console" tab.
4. Once the "Console" tab is open, perform the action that didn't work, such as log in CN, submit an assignment, or save basic course settings.
5. If the action fails, please take a screenshot. The "Console" tab should hopefully show us any errors (usually highlighted in red).
6. You can then email us the screenshot at
This is an example of checking Console for logging in CN:
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