This article will show course members how to use hashtags in their posts within a course. Hashtags are especially important to course structure because CN discussions are not threaded like typical discussion forums. Tagging posts with relevant hashtags will help course members filter through posts and reflections. There are two types of Hashtags within a course: Instructor Suggested and Member Created.
Instructor Suggested Discussion Topics/Hashtags
To learn how to set up Instructor Suggested hashtags, please view the CN Post Set-up Guide (for Instructors) article, STEP2.
STEP1: Open CN Post, then create a post by clicking on the post icon at the top of the page.
STEP2: Type your post. Insert Instructor Suggested Topics/Hashtags at any time by clicking on the link at the top of the box and click the hashtag. See below.
HINT1: You may add as many Hashtags to your post as you wish. You can also type out Instructor Suggested Topics/Hashtags yourself.
*If you haven't used any Hashtags in your post, click SUBMIT - The system will prompt you to add one or multiple Instructor Suggested Topics/Hashtags. If you don't see any hashtags apply to your post, you can simply click SUBMIT to skip.
Note, with the automated hashtagging feature released in March 2024, course members will not be prompted to select instructor-suggested hashtags, unless the automated hashtagging feature has been disabled.
After the post is created, a red "New" label will appear beside the hashtags used.
Member Created Discussion Topics/Hashtags
STEP1: Open CN Post, then create a post by clicking on the post icon at the top of the page.
STEP2: Type your post and create your own hashtags at any time by typing # and typing relevant word(s) beside the #
Be sure not to put a space between words and capitalize the first letter of each word (i.e., #Biology #HelpfulResource, etc.)
After the post is created, a red "New" label will appear beside the hashtags used. CN puts the most popular member-created hashtags on the top of this list.
Filter Posts and Reflections with Course Discussion Topics/Hashtags
Approach1: Click on a hashtag within a course post or reflection.
All of the posts and reflections that contain the hashtag in the course will be filtered.
Approach2: You can also click on an Instructor Suggested or a Member Created hashtag from the right-hand side of your CN Post window
All of the posts and reflections that contain the hashtag in the course will be filtered.
Hint: Please note that in this article, we use POST as an example. You can follow the instruction to use Hashtags in POLL and EVENT.
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