Part1: How to add CN ePortfolio (Course-level) to Sakai as an Administrator
Hint: to ensure the best user experience, please advise your users to use Google Chrome or Firefox browsers to access CN ePortfolio (Course-level).
Step 1: Go to External Tools
Select External Tools from the Tool Menu in the Administration Workspace
Step 2: Add LTI tool
Click Install LTI 1.1 Tool.
Step 3: Site ID
Enter the appropriate site ID in the Site Id field if you want the external tool to be available ONLY in that site. If you want the external tool to be available in all sites, be sure to leave this field blank.
Step 4: Name/Description
- Enter text into the Tool Title* field. When users access the tool in a site, this text displays at the top of the frame. It should say “CN ePortfolio (Course-level)"
- Enter text into the Button Text* field. When users access the tool in a site, they'll see this text in the Tool Menu. It should say “CN ePortfolio”
- Enter text into the “Description” field. This description will display to site owners when they select the tool via Site Info.
*Click “Allow” to let site owners edit this information.
Step 5: Status/Visibility
- For tool status, select “Enabled”
- For tool visibility, select “Visible"
Step 6: Launch Settings
- Enter the URL in the Launch URL* field. (URL:
- Enter the LTI key in the Launch Key* field. (We will share this information with you separately, please do not share this confidential credential)
- Enter the LTI secret in the Launch Secret* field. (We will share this information with you separately, please do not share this confidential credential)
To specify a height for the tool frame in a site, enter a value (in pixels) in the “Frame Height” field. Click “Allow” to let site owners edit this value.
Step 7: Privacy Settings/Services
“Send User Names to External Tool”, “Send Email Addresses to External Tool” and "Allow External Tool to return grades" should all be checked
Step 8: Popup/Debug
Choose how the external solution displays when it launches.
- Click “Never launch in Popup” if you want it to display in a frame within the site.
- Click “Always launch in Popup” if you want it to display in a separate popup window or new browser tab/window.
- Click “Allow popup to be changed” to let site owners edit this setting.
Choose whether or not the debug data will display to site owners when CN ePortfolio (Course-level) launches. Click “Allow debug mode to be changed” to let site owners edit this setting.
Step 9: Save Your Work
Click the “Save” button. You will see the external tool listed with the other external tools available in the system.
Part 2: How to add CN ePortfolio (Course-level) to a Sakai Course
Once your Sakai Admin successfully configured CN ePortfolio (Course-level) following the instruction above, instructors can add it to their courses that have been permitted to do so.
Step 1: Add External Tool
Click "Site Info" from the left course menu, then click "External Tools" from the navigation on the top.
Now, click "Create Tool Link" in the upper right corner.
Step 2: Set Up External Tool
Fill out the form below. Choose CN ePortfolio from the "Select Tool" dropdown.
If you want the tool to appear on the left course menu, check "Add Site Link". Then click Save.
Once CN ePortfolio (Course-level) is added to a course, the course members can find it on the left course menu. Clicking the "CN ePortfolio" tab will open a corresponding CN course. From there, users can access their ePortfolio and other course members' ePortfolios from the course Roster.
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