November 30, 2017
- Apply User Labels to ePortfolio sections
- Refine Outcome-Based Assessment page
- Update member search
- Allow admin to order profile sections settings from CN Channel
- Add Grade Conversions to institution courses from CN Channel
- UI improvements for receiving badge and certificate on course completion
November 2, 2017
- Update User Label designs (manage user label, remove user labels, add repetitive labels)
- Combine courses
- Convert personal course to institution course (and the opposite)
- Import Discussion Topics from another course
- Update Certificate Design
- Auto-award Course Completion Certificate
- Allow instructor to change Course Completion badge
- Badge refinements
Sept 29, 2017
- Support importing entire course through Common Cartridge
- Add personal Question Banks for instructors
- Add HTML editor option for Multiple Choice questions on quizzes
- Allow instructor to provide predefined feedback on Multiple Choice, True or False, and Fill in the Blank questions
- User email refinements (display linked emails on user profile and CN System Admin)
- Add “Text Entry” submission, “Submit a File/Assignment” changed to “Submit a File/Text Entry”
- Add CN Consortium page to website
Sept 13, 2017
- Apply User Labels to Institution Report
- Add Great Post badge
- Add support for line breaks, bold text and emojis in reflections
- Allow instructors to define LTI tools in a course
- Launch LTI tool from SmartLink
- Create GradeBook items that link to the LTI tool
- Update Course Completion popover message to make it more standing out to users
August 15, 2017
- Outcome-Based Assessment
August 3, 2017
- Basic functions of User Labels
- First part of Employee Sign Up
- Embed YouTube videos in Task Tool
- Edit a badge's default comment language
- Add "Show in My CN ePortfolio" checkbox when creating posts and polls
July 6, 2017
- Basic functions of Course of the Week badge
- Portfolio tab/page in CN Channel - allow admins to create sections on all Channel members’ portfolios
- user profile privacy controls
- search refinements
- advanced member search in CN Post under “The World” post view
- remove Why CN from header, add CN ePortfolio page
- Promote Leadernomics’ open course (course public page--log out view, log in view not a course member yet, log in view a course member already)
- Common Cartridge Files
- import courses through CN admin will copy course completion settings
- import tasks into another course will copy task visibility conditions
- CN authorization service and JS SDK
- allow the same badge to be awarded multiple times from the same course
- allow instructors and Channel admins to edit descriptions CN predefined course badges
May 25, 2017
- Add emojis to post form
- Course Files page
- Refine GradeBook’s Course Grade logic with weighted categories
- Refine Import Tasks
- Import Quizzes
- Fix word count for other languages
- Show Anar icons based on whether post meets word count goal or not
- CN Admin controls - disable search and email functions for a Channel’s members
- View Posts Based on Timeframe - can now select specific time
- ClassCast Access Data - see who accessed the ClassCast, how many times, and when
- Refine user tagging function
- Badges - change Description to Description/Criteria
April 25th, 2017
- Advanced member search
- Entering time uses consistent format throughout CN
- Allow users to define gender
- Hide user with the most Anar seeds from Anar progress bar
- Show/hide posts on user public profile control
- Folders for the showcase section on profile
- Generate report: change button name and add report for course enrollment and course completion based on selected time frame
- Bookmark Task where user left off
- Give user a checkmark button to claim course completion next to course title
- Show which posts/reflections were created since the last time user visited the course/network
- Refined order of reflections (show the 3 newest reflections)
- Allow students to print quiz
- Removed My Class and Instructors visibility settings from Basic Information section
- Refine email threads
March 22nd, 2017
- Continue working on notifications in CN Post
- Update the UI of the CN file uploader (filters by file types and reduce the height)
- Institution logo and cover image on Channel member’s profile page
- Two customizations for NCC client: hide most recent login section on user profile page, disable Channel members’ profile page and social interaction functions on mini profile card
- Change the term “Conexus” to “Network”
- Add description on Showcase files on user profile page
- Allow bold text in post form
- If the default seeds for create a post/poll/event is 0, allow instructors to manually adjust Anar Seeds on individual posts/polls/events
- Allow instructors to set default Visibility Setting for posts in their course
- Add “Go to My CN ePortfolio” links to Full CN and CN Post
- Add reminder popover for users to follow people in CN Post “The World” view
- Show public posts made by people you are following on top (in CN home feed and CN Post “The World” feed)
- Show global posts made by classmates you are following on top (in full CN and CN Post “My Global Class” feed)
- Add CANCEL button and a new footer to reflections
Feb 22, 2017
- Back-end update
- Allow rotate profile picture
- My Global Class View update (add timeframe post filter, exclude global posts from My Class, new Global Post pop-up tooltip)
- CSV upload grades
- Handle Roster page functions for large courses that have more than thousands of members
- Profile refinements: 1. add floating navigation menu, 2. allow order major sections, 3. keep visibility options consistent from section to section
- Anar table update: seperate “create post” and “create poll and event”. Do not award Anar Seeds for creating quizzes and ClassCast
- Allow users to rotate their profile picture
- Hide Calendar by default if there are no upcoming calendar events in the following 7 days
- Back updates:
- php from php 5.6 to php 7
- MongoDB from MongoDB 3.0 to MongoDB 3.4 with WiredTiger Engine
- Upgrade our php driver fromMongo to Mogodb
- Everything else would be new from ubuntu 14.04 to ubuntu 16.04
- Update to http2
Jan 24, 2017
- Update the Reseller page and About Us page
- Apply dropdown design for course access setting
- Apply dropdown design for late submission settings
- Use pop-up tooltip to prompt users to earn 100 seeds. This tooltip won't show until the 8th login for new users.
- Add pop-up reminder to download the CN mobile app
- Anar label refinements and add it to CN Post
- CN Channel--allow download student general report from a specific course
- Add word count and instructor suggested hashtag to the post creation from from DropBox
Jan 3, 2017
- CN Channel Certificate
- Allow late submissions for X amount of days
- Totally remove cookie, and use CN token only
- Refinements on Add New Institution window of profile page
- Delete posts under groups if group is deleted (and delete old data from this issue)
- Refinements on Add Link/LTI Tool window design (from area 3 of course)
- Refine Anar icons to be more descriptive
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