Step 1: Access CN Post from your Blackboard course
Step 2: Fill out Anar Seed Settings
One CN Post opens, click on the “Anar Seeds Settings” link on the left-hand menu in CN Post
- Click the box next to “Set up Anar goal in this course”
- Enter an Anar number into the “Anar goal” field
- Select a time frame for course members to accumulate Anar seeds. Note, course members will not be able to earn any seeds before the start date and after the end date of this time frame
- Click the box next to "Use Anar Seeds to Grading". From the dropdown, select Pass "Anar Seeds" to LMS Gradebook (for CN Post)
- Select an Anar Seeds grade passback setting. There are 3 options. Read this article to learn more.
- If you want to modify the course Anar Seeds table, edit the table
- Click the SAVE button at the bottom of the page
Step 3: Edit CN Post’s Grading Settings in Blackboard
Find CN Post in your Blackboard course, then choose Edit.
Scroll down to the Grading Settings section to make the following edits:
- Enable Evaluation
- Set up the possible points for the CN Post activity
- Choose to make the CN Post activity visible to students or not in Grade Center
- Set up evaluation due date
- Click Submit at the bottom of the page
Step 4: Check to see if CN Post is in the Grade Center
Now you should see the CN Post assignment in Grade Center. Students' Anar Seeds grades will automatically appear based on the Anar Seeds grade passback setting you chose and the grades will automatically update within an hour after each Anar Seeds update in CN Post.
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