A unique strength of the CN ePortfolio lies in skill tagging. Users can add skills to their ePortfolios and tag various artifacts. This feature supports competency-based learning, helping learners focus on competency development and documentation. It also allows ePortfolio viewers to search ePortfolios and artifacts based on skills.
Institutions may leverage skill tagging to promote core competencies and collect artifacts for competency-based assessment. When an institution has identified a series of core competencies, they can recommend them to students to add to their ePortfolios or tag artifacts (documents, folders, and Showcases). This article will show how institution admins can suggest skill tags.
Institution Admins Add Suggested Skill Tags
Step1, institution admins should access CN Channel>>ePortfolio Customization>>Add Institution Suggested Skill Tags. This section looks like the below:
Step2, in the input box, enter the skill. You do not need to type #. When you begin typing, the matching result(s) will appear in the dropdown. You must click it to add.
Now, you should see the newly added skill appear under the input box.
It is as simple as that. You may continue to add more institution suggested skills.
Members Use Institution Suggested Skill Tags
Now, let's see how members of your institution will use these skill tags. When they come to the Skills section of their ePortfolios and put the cursor into the input box, these institution suggested skills will automatically appear in the dropdown. They can simply click on them to add.
Similarly, on a Showcase or a document/folder, members are prompted with institution suggested skill tags. They simply click on them to apply the tags.
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