Option1: Access from Canvas Course Menu
Enter the Canvas course that uses CN ePortfolio. Click the CN tab from the left Canvas course menu. This tab may be called "CN ePortfolio", "CourseNetworking (CN Post)", or another name at your institution.
If this is the first time you access CN from your institution's Canvas, you will need to follow the prompt to create a new CN account or link to an existing account.
You will then land on the CN course page. The interface will look like one of the following two, depending on which one your institution has chosen to integrate with.
If you see this interface (see the screenshot below), simply click the "Access my ePortfolio" button to access your CN ePortfolio.
If you see the CN Post interface (see the screenshot below), click "CN ePortfolio" from the top navigation bar, or the three-line icon in the upper-right corner to open the left menu. You can then go to your CN ePortfolio by clicking your profile picture, name, pencil icon, or the "Go to My CN ePortfolio" tab.
Hint: you may view other course members' ePortfolios from the Course Roster.
Option2: Access from Canvas Global Navigation Menu (may not work if your institution didn't enable it)
If your institution has integrated CN ePortfolio on the Canvas Global Navigation Menu, you can click the CN ePortfolio tab and access your ePortfolio there:
Option3: Access from thecn.com
Once you get your CN account created through Canvas, you can return to your ePortfolio by directly visit thecn.com or your ePortfolio URL (such as thecn.com/aw203). To log into your CN account, you need your CN ID/Number or university email address and your CN Password.
Hint: when your CN account is created, you will automatically receive a welcome email from CN, which contains a link to set up a CN password. If you have missed that, you can click Forgot Password and set a new password. Here is how.
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