How It works
With Rumi Institution Announcements, CN Channel admins can send institution-wide messages to Channel members that will appear at the top of their CN pages. Your announcements could be for upcoming campus events, school calendar changes, reminders of deadlines, newly available resources, etc.
To begin, go to your CN Channel, and go to the Rumi tab on the left. Navigate to the Institution Announcements tab on the right, then click "Create Announcement" to make a new announcement.
First, add a title to your announcement. Then, type the message you want to send out to your institution members. Next, select a priority level. If the announcement is marked as "Important", it will appear before any other announcements and will have a red-colored title to call for attention. Otherwise, it will be shown chronologically and have a normal black title.
Next, select who will see the announcements. It is broken down by User Status (i.e., Active Alumni, External) and Course Role (i.e., Instructor, Student). You can also choose to show the announcements to All Channel Members.
Finally, select a start and end time for the announcement. The announcement will be shown to users beginning at the Start Time, and stop being shown to users after the End Time.
After all fields are filled in, click Submit to send out the announcement.
After the announcement is created, if it is currently between the Start and End Time, it will be listed as an Active Announcement. Any announcement can also be edited or deleted from this page.
After an announcement's End Time, it will be listed as an Inactive Announcement, and can be set as active again by changing its Start and End Time.
The moment a new active announcement becomes available, it automatically displays on top of the page a user is currently visiting. It could be their Home page, a course or Network page, or an ePortfolio. If this is an Important announcement, it is marked in red and shown first.
Disable Institution Announcements
If your institution does not need the Rumi Institution Announcements feature or no longer uses it anymore, you may completely disable it through Rumi Settings in your CN Channel. Read this article to learn more.
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