CN LMS licensees can create and manage institution rubrics from CN Channel>>Manage Rubrics (see screenshot below). These institution rubrics can be imported by Channel course instructors to assess student assignments or imported by CN Channel admins to assess institution-created Showcases.
Create Institution Rubrics
Step 1: CN Channel admins click "+ Create Institution Rubric" to manually create a new rubric. Or, click "Create Rubric with AI" to generate a new rubric with AI assistance.
Step 2: Fill out the rubric form. The following items must be filled out:
Rubric Name: Give your rubric a concise name
Criteria: A name and description of the criterion for that row. You can keep adding criteria.
Rating: The score scales for each criterion. Each scale includes name, description, and points. By default, the points are generated automatically as 10 and 0, but can be changed.
Points: The total point value of a criterion. If you change this value, it will automatically change the point value of each score scale in that row, distributed evenly.
You may select user labels to allow specific users in your Channel to use this rubric. This is optional.
Step 3: After the rubric is completed, review the entire table, especially, the point values. Once done, click Save.
Below is an example of a complete rubric. Note, in this case, only Channel users with the user labels "ASTP" and "instructors" can import this institution rubric.
Manage Institution Rubrics
All of the created institution rubrics are listed on the page based on when they were created. Rubric Name, Date, and Creator provide detailed information about each rubric. The Actions column gives options to edit, duplicate, and delete a rubric.
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