How to add CN Post to Blackboard as an Administrator
Hint: To ensure best user experience, please kindly advise your users to use Google Chrome or Firefox browsers to access CN Post.
STEP 1: On the Administrator Panel, select Building Blocks under the Building Blocks panel
STEP 2: Click on LTI Tool Providers
STEP 3: Click on Register Provider Domain
STEP 4: Type the Provider Domain,
STEP 5: For the Provider Domain Status, select Approved
STEP 6: For Data Configuration select Set Globally and type in the Tool Provider Key and Tool Provider Secret – Leave custom parameters empty
Hint: CN should have provided licensing institutions with their Provider Key and Provider Secret. If you do not have this information, please contact
STEP 7: Under Organization Policies, set the following options
- Send User Data: Select Send user data only over SSL
- User Fields to Send: Select Role in Course, Name, and Email Address
- Show User Acknowledgement: Select No
- Message Text: Leave Blank
Hint: Be sure that your Global Settings keep the default Send Context Identifiers as Primary Key
For further steps on managing Global Settings refer to Blackboard (link) and input the following for CN Post:
Under the Creation of Tool Provider Links preference, select Allow links to any tool provider that isn’t explicitly excluded
CN values for creating a placement:
- Provider Domain:
- LTI Launch URL:
- Check Placement allows grading
- Set Content Type to Tools
Note: If your institution uses CN for ePortfolio primarily, you may name the tool "CN ePortfolio" or a unique name you prefer, instead of CN Post.
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