If your institution uses Google services and each of your members has an institution Google account, you could set up the Institution Google Sign-in to make the user account creation and user sign-in process easier. There are only two simple steps.
STEP1: email CN staff or helpdesk@thecn.com. Inform them that you would like to set up Google sign-in for your institution. Please provide your Google Domain (the part after @ in your institution email address, for example, abc.edu or coursenetworking.com).
STEP2: after CN staff informed you that your Google Domain has been successfully set up in CN, access CN Channel. Go to ntegIration>Authentication>Google, check Enable Google. Remember to SAVE your setting.
Now, everything is all set on your end. When your institution users Sign In with Google using their institution Gmail, they will be automatically added to your CN Channel as an "Active" member.
Note: Google sign-in only adds users to your institution's CN Channel and primary Network. You will still need to add them into courses. You can add members into institution courses through one of the following approaches:
1. CSV import courses, and then CSV import course-user relationship.
2. You create institution courses. Let instructors invite course members through email request or course PIN.
3. Instructors create personal courses. You convert them to institution courses. Instructors invite course members through email request or course PIN.
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